Monday, June 29, 2009

After Surgery

- Dictated by Amy

First I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. These last few days have been the most challenging of my life. With today being the worst.

My first memory after surgery was them attempting to pull out the breathing tube. My hands were tied like a crazy person to the side of the bed. It hurt, thankfully the sedation was helping me to forget that (and the guy who pulled out the tube).

Before I could move to the step-down unit, a very nice nurse named Chris had to pull out the chest tube. Ouch! times five. The tube was about 3/4 inch and she just ripped it right out and I could feel every inch.

I have been in the step-down ICU since Saturday. I am in a corner room with a veiw I cannot turn my head to see. I have been spending my days walking while holding onto a wheelchair and breathing from an oxygen tank. Most walks I only want to make the half-loop around the ICU, but I am encouraged by the nurse to take a full loop. When I am done, I'm thankful for all the squats and lunges I had been doing before surgery because I just can't flop into bed. I have to squat and put my butt on the bed before swinging my legs over. While at the same time, not ripping my chest open.

I started the day of surgery weighing in at 119 lbs., and the next day after the surgery I weighed 129 lbs. gaining 10 pounds of fluid. The nurses monitor how much liquid I produce. They measure this by having me pee into a cup. They call it a "hat".

The worst thing has been managing my pain. I have been on all kinds of narcotics including Percaset and Vicodin. I did have some success with an injectible Delodin (sp?). The nurses are trying to ween me off anything injectible so no Delodin for me today. Today it was Percaset which caused me to have extreme nausea, headaches and delusions.

Eating is very challenging as I have no appetite what so ever. This contributes to my extreme nausea. After a terrible afternoon, I was given Motrin and something else in my IV. I have been ordered (even scolded by my mom in Michigan) to eat even when I do not want to. The idea of eating foods that I previously liked is excruciating.

Right now it is 9pm and I am feeling pretty good. Not so much nuasea. Time to get some sleep...

1 comment:

  1. Ouch! Please don't say the "rip open my chest" thing...argh...ouch...
