Thursday, July 16, 2009

Family, follow-up and photos

I dropped my mom and sister off at the airport this afternoon. They had been here a week, taking care of the kids and I. I really don't know what we would have done without them. Now, it's back to reality. No more "Can I get you anything?" or "No, you sit and relax, I'll change that poopy diaper." It's just Marlo and I. I'm so grateful that he is a hands-on dad. He is so wonderful making sure I get some rest, bathing the kids, cooking dinner, etc.

This last week with my mom and sister was fun. We did lots of shopping, eating at restaurants, and just hanging out watching movies. I'm gaining more strength everyday and I'm able to walk longer without needing a rest. My appetite is back and making up for lost time. I take regular old Motrin for pain. I still can't pick up my kids, which is so frustrating to all of us.

Today I met with my surgeon, Dr. Guber, for my first and last post-op check up. He was very impressed with my progress but mostly impressed with his beautiful work. The incision is healing very nicely and almost seems to disappear in spots. I really don't think I'll have a noticable scar. My blood pressure and oxygen levels are "beautiful" and all systems are functioning as they should. I was told to drop to one beta blocker a day and I can skip the one asprin daily as well. I was told again that I may have to have my bicuspid aortic valve replaced one day. Maybe 10 years from now, maybe 25 years or maybe never. There is really no way to know. I'll just get my yearly echos and hope for the best. Dr. Guber said that while the graft on my aorta is permanent, I do need to protect it from infection by taking antibiotics anytime I have dental work or if I go in for any other medical procedure. He asked that I wait three months before having any major dental work. I can start working out again by walking on a treadmill or taking a slow and easy bike ride, but no ass-kicking intervals or weight training for at least another month or two. It takes at least three months for the breast bone to heal. I'm just worried about my lack of activity combined with my new hearty appetite. It's been hard for me to go from being very active to nonactive.

Before my surgery, I asked my husband to take some pictures of me in the hospital. I wanted to see what I looked like right after surgery. I never once looked in a mirror during my 5-day hospital stay. I just looked at the photos for the first time a few days ago. They are pretty dramatic, especially the one where I'm unconcious with a breathing tube coming out of my mouth. I don't look pretty, but I wanted to capture this part of my life in a few photos. The following photos are in chronologial order from a few hours after my surgery to a few days ago, when Marlo and I had a date night. I love this new family photo. Gabe cracks me up, staring down and hating the camera. Lily with her perma-binky and red Crocs. Marlo with his arm around me. I'm so happy the surgery is over. I'm alive. I get to be with my family. Loving life.

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